Sunday, August 12, 2012

making my own hammock - first hang

So on the first night we did not make it to a camp (which is what i expected, honestly), rather we stopped on the side of the road to catch a couple of hours of sleep.  I slept on a cot with a perfect frame but rotted fabric that tore pretty bad.  It was very surreal...uncomfortable, the moon nearly full and very bright, the Utah landscape remote and flat.  I felt like i was sleeping on the surface of Mars or something.

The second night i couldn't find two good trees to hang from.  I tied between the back of our trailer and an Aspen.  I couldn't remember the knot i wanted to use, i was just too tired and improvised.  I wasn't sure if i had hung the tree hugger high enough and as for the trailer end i was just out of luck if it was too low.  I got into it for a while, realized that my butt was on the ground, so i got out and raised the tree hugger a few inches.  When i got in again i was hanging freely and actually swaying.  There's not enough room in my bedroom for much of that, at least not until recently there hasn't been.  I have almost always bumped against either this wooden chest or my captain's chair.  Not so this time.  I didn't feel like i was about to fall out but the hammock is much narrower and shorter than i'm used to and it was tricky getting in with my sleeping bag under me.  I didn't bring a pad, and this was actually the only night i wanted it.

The next morning i was on the ground if i laid a certain way in the hammock.  The way i had laid for most of the night i was still off the ground.  But the hang was really too low for comfort.  ETA:  I'm wondering if my hang was a little "too tight" but this was the only available setup without hanging in a bush.

So on this same day we entered Yosemite proper and ended up staying in one of the more remote campgrounds (four miles of bumpy dirt road, slow going).  I saw a couple of hammocks in the campground but no one laying in them (in the middle of the afternoon).  At this campsite i found two trees to hang from, went for higher spot to wrap the tree huggers this fact, the hammock itself was suspended at about chest height and seemed tight to me (rather than hanging freely it was stretched about as tight as i could make it).  But then when i would try to get in i would immediately be sitting on the ground.  I tried adjust the height, the tightness, double checked the wasn't happening.  I am pretty certain that the rope i bought is the culprit and stretches way too much because the tree huggers and knots looked secure.  It was very disappointing.

So instead i hung my tarp for the first time.  The night before i wish i would have put it up, not because it rained or anything, but because my head was cold and i think it would have provided some warmth.  The tarp was really quick to hang from the tree huggers but the ground was so sandy/dusty that the stakes couldn't hold as well as i would have liked.  This felt successful, at least and did provide a nice level of protection.  I was on a cot again, a different one that is brand new, from Cabela's, and much more comfortable...but still not perfect.  Nothing can beat a hammock.  These cots are my parents' and i would never buy such a thing!  Give me a hammock, please!!!

See, once we got to our final destination (my sister's small house) one of my other sister's and i opted to sleep on the cots in a tent.  The house was hot, outside was a very pleasing temperature, though very humid.  The metal bars of the cot...well it seemed as if my legs were pained by them and i was never able to sleep very peacefully.  I've been having issues with my legs lately (i think it's restless leg syndrome, but i haven't see a doctor about it yet) and they seemed to be worse on the trip.  My legs did not like the cot at all.  But sleeping outside was very comfortable temperature-wise.

What i've learned:
My camping hammock is short and narrow.  So is a cot.  I would rather be hanging.  It's much more comfortable (no pain, only temperature issues, as the Mono Lake area is apparently much cooler than inside Yosemite itself).
My suspension does not work and needs to be replaced in the near future.  It was definitely longer than necessary.
My tree huggers are awesome...but they aren't long enough to wrap around sequoia trees (i should probably sew a backup/extender).
I hate tying knots in the dark.  I think i will invest in carbiners.

I am glad to be home and hope next trip goes better!

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