Sunday, February 22, 2009

excellent blog article

Knitting and Public Politics, about whether it's okay to knit in public (i feel that it is, but i know that i amaze and offend some people).

And if that wasn't enough, the blog has a great M.C. Escher quote. (:

the woes of LTs and trying to salvage the Fox Beanie YET AGAIN

i have been trying to knit this hat off and on for over two years now. The yarn i'm using is 100% acrylic, cost me about $2.50, and it is supposed to be great for cables. i have become a yarn snob and hate using acrylic, this yarn has only reinforced that for me. The pros are that the yarn is super soft and machine washable, the cons are that it splits like crazy and is already pilling a bit after being taken out a couple of times.

i finally found a zigzag stitch that looked perfect in the Vogue Knitting Stitchionary 2 but have had nothing but trouble with it. It uses a Left Twist and Right Twist that, when worked, looks nothing like the picture / example. If i knit the st as instructed there is a gap in between the twists that looks far more lacy than i would like. So i have done some research and apparently the LT is the bane of many knitters' existence. No one can agree on how it should be done, there are at least four different methods one can use, and none of them look exactly like in the book (not to mention that the method outlined in the book looks worst of all). My search was not helped by the fact that has no vids on how to knit an LT and while the forums claimed there were videos on YouTube i couldn't find any by searching for "LT knit stitch" (apparently there's a musical group named LT Stitch, however, and i did finally find two videos when i searched for "Left Twist"). i finally made a breakthrough when i found Let Me ExplainKnit's rather lengthy post on the woes of LTs, which verified for me the need to turn every 2nd st so when i ktbl i am actually ktbl i am actually knitting through the front of the loop instead of twisting it. She also linked to the pattern for Cable Twist Socks which instructs the knitter to slip the 1st st as if to purl instead of k2togtbl. This has yielded a stronger unified look, instead of the twisted lacy pattern that, while pretty, was not the look i was going for at all.

This pattern is very much self made though i have used two others as a guide (in a manner of speaking). i used Son of Stitch 'N Bitch's Half-Pipe Hat as a guide for gauge and returned to the idea of encasing the brim instead of trying to knit a shaped case for it (as i did with my Flaming Snowboard Beanie. i used a stockinette st instead of a rib and folded the cast on edge under instead of over. The Half-Pipe brim was far larger than i was wanting to use (the Flaming Beanie's brim is too large, too), so i turned to the Lidsville pattern instead. For the Flaming Beanie i used foam, this time i am using some plastic canvas that i had lying around, and i prefer foam because it is softer and doesn't have jagged edges. It took me the better part of a half hour to trim the plastic canvas so it wouldn't catch the yarn and damage it.

i am currently a third of the way through the LT section and am hoping that the RT section doesn't give me as much grief (though from what i read the RT usually works better than the LT). i'm also winding the yarn for my Wrap Sweater into balls, i'm not sure if i'll actually be casting on today or not, but i have a lot more of Tale of Two Cities to get through, so it's entirely possible that i'll finish the hat or cast on or both.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

hitting a wall with Evi ):

i have been really unhappy with this project for over a week now. The cables look awesome, but the thumb gusset it in the wrong place, and i don't like the way the ribs look on the wrist. As much as i hate to do it, i think that i'm going to be taking out the right mitten and start over on it, but probably not before knitting up the left mitten so i can use it for a guide to see where my improvisations went wrong. The crazy thing is that the palm is baggy but i cannot extract my hand from the current slot. i do not think that i'll have enough yard to actually knit the fingers up properly, but i'm not sure. i plan to rotate the thumb decreases 90 degrees. i feel a bit embarrassed when i hit walls like this in my knitting. So far i'm not entirely impressed with this yarn, the gauge seems just a little loose, but i'm hoping that it will work well on the slopes once i complete the project.

Friday, February 13, 2009

the finished product (dyewise)

woot, the wool is on the way!

i just got an e-mail letting me know that my yarn for the Ginny Cardigan is finally on its way. The Pistachio was on back order, so i had to wait for them to get more in, and i kind of assumed it would take another week or two, so i'm really excited and wondering how long it will take to get here. The nice thing about this project is that, even though i paid a lot for this yarn, there will most likely be left overs on the contrast colors that i can use to make Christmas presents.

The bad part is that now i need to buy some more circulars and dpns because i don't have any in size 10 1/2 (as the pattern calls for). i know that you can't knit a cardigan in the round, but i also know that i refuse to do any seaming, so i will be knitting the back and fronts simultaneously. i'll have to wait until my next paycheck for that. i'll also buy one of these i think (my Harry Potter scarf needs it, if nothing else). i'm dreaming of a swift and a spindle, but don't know if they're currently in my budget.

i meant to post photos of the finished yarn yesterday afternoon, and i took several shots outside, and even wound the first loop length into a ball, only managing to get it tangled into an irreparable knot at the very end (losing less than a yard of yarn in the process). But even before i accomplished all of that, when i first got home, Mom wanted me to refresh her memory on how to knit, and Sammy couldn't remember how to cast on, so i spent more than an hour doing that and then i had to get ready for work. Anyways, i'm starving, and need to pick up the spinning books i reserved from the library. i'll post photos later.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's orange and yellow kool-aid time...

So, finally got the yarn six days ago, and knitted a couple of rows to be sure of my gauge. Last night and today i wound the yarn into big loops and tied them with some old yarn i found:

Then i grabbed a big red pot of my mom's and filled it with enough water to submerge the yarn.

225 grams converted to about 4.4 ounces, and Knitty - Dyed in the Wool told me to use one packet per ounce, so i used four packets of KoolAid, two Orange and two Lemonade.

The color did go out of the water completely, and seemed to be slightly sudsy as i dumped it out. The orange is not completely solid or as bright as in Knitty's pics, but i am pretty happy with the outcome. The yarn has been rinsed and is hanging to drip dry right now; every once in a while i get a whiff of that KoolAid smell. i'll take a photo of it tomorrow when the sun comes back out.

i bought the needles for this project today... it wasn't cheap. i wasn't going to buy the heavy metal ones when nice bamboo and birch ones are readily available. i can hardly wait to cast on, but need to practice stitches with scrap yarn first: i definitely do not want to mess up while the yarn is on the needles as it will be nearly impossible to take out.

This was fun, and perplexed the kiddos; next time i want to use Blue Moon Berry or Ice Blue Raspberry Lemonade. Grape and Black Cherry and Lemon Lime look promising too.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Upon reading my last three posts, i seem to have detected a pattern:

i can hitchhike in warmth now... posted @ 1:10 AM
yum posted @ 12:42 AM
progressing on Evi posted @ 12:22 AM

Yes, i know, i'm a night owl, but at least i don't eat your Tootsie Pop when you come to me for help.

i can hitchhike in warmth now...

Is it really so late / early? i got caught up knitting the thumb on my first mitten and am getting ready to knit the pinky next, but i have to do a couple more rows of pattern first. After the pinky, of course, comes the ring, middle, and index fingers, then the convertible part. Right now, i just need to get some sleep, cuz i have class in less than eight hours.