Monday, September 21, 2009

dye day

Yep, last Friday, after work, i finally got my Ohm Mat Bag dyed, along with those thrift store pants that i mentioned. i think the project actually turned out pretty well. The color isn't perfect, but that's why it has personality.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

dreaming of yarn...

i cannot believe that i forgot to bring my knitting with me today (i'm in the middle of Liberty Cap 2.0, and World Geography is the perfect opportunity to get the needles clicking). The weather is cool and rainy today, and as such i have knitting on the brain (along with the cruise i am taking in two months, but that is entirely beside the point: that is on the brain because we finally got our plane tickets today). i am really restraining myself, not allowing myself to run down to Tangle (Mountain Biking was canceled due to the weather, so i have a little extra time on my hands today) and check out the yarn that i am thinking of buying for the Hex Vest or simply buying it online (i haven't even seen this yarn in person or touched it, mind you, but i am itching to start this project, nay, multiple projects). i still haven't had the time to take photos of my yoga bag or dye it. My life is so busy and full of stressful requirements. Maybe after the first mod is over (which means the yoga class will be over, and by then, what's the point?).

On a cruise related note, i found two pairs of pants at Goodwill, one pair brown and like new, the other pair pink and from Old Navy. What on earth was i thinking? Well, basically, what the heck, it's four bucks, and i can dye them. i have no idea if i can actually dye this type of fabric, but it doesn't really hurt to try, as no one in town has the appropriate pants (well, Old Navy does, but i'm not willing to pay $30 a pair for them), and Hi Fashion Fabrics does not have the fabric i'm looking for, either. i broke down and bought some batik for a blouse (i shouldn't have looked!). i have very low willpower lately.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

fall approaches...

On Sunday, my family and i went to a wedding. On the way there i finally finished knitting my yoga mat bag. i still need to photograph it and dye it, but it's finally complete! This project seemed to take forever, most likely because of the small gauge (i was using size 4 dpns for crying out loud!). The youngest daughter of the bride (who is 13 and friends with my sister Katie) had the audacity to say that it looked like a sock! So, of course, i had to model it, by pulling it onto my right leg, much to their amusement (it's somewhere between the length of a knee high and a thigh high on me, in case you're wondering). Then i put it on my head and bounced off to the car feeling very rastafarian.

On the way home, the family decided to take the scenic route, which is the same loop that we took last fall to see the trees changing colors (you can see pics here). We rolled the windows down to let in the cool air, and wouldn't you know it? i forgot a ponytail holder so my hair (which is getting quite long now, it's starting to inch down my back) was completely in my face. What is there to do but put the bag on my head to keep my hair back? It was how i imagine it would feel to wear a really long snood! Would you believe that the trees are already starting to get tiny splashes of color and Hayes Creek Falls was even more beautiful than the last time we visited? i am so excited for fall, and hope it gets cooler soon (this, of course, has nothing to do with the mountain biking class i am taking twice a week in what seems like blazing heat).

Today, to fill the knitting void in my class time (World Geography is the only class i've gotten up the gumption to knit in so far this semester), i pulled out the size 8 dpns and ink blue Lamb's Pride again to start my Liberty Cap 2.0. i think that knitting the yoga bag and wearing it as a hat has actually helped me understand better the implications of designing this pattern. i don't expect the project to take me long, and fully expect that i'll be picking Tangy Giselle back up again soon, hopefully finishing it just in time for the weather to turn cool again.

p.s. i have passed 6 dead skunks on the side of the road in the past two weeks. Grandma always said that dead skunks in the low country means a cold winter. i think that this winter must be a whopper of a cold one if that's the case.