Thursday, August 04, 2005

Luinel's Chase outfit

based on Arwen's Chase outfit in FotR

I've been dreaming about making this outfit since i saw Fellowship of the Ring the second or third time. I don't know why, but i've never been as gung ho about Arwen's outfits in LotR as many that i've met or conversed with online. I loved Liv Tyler in the part and i loved Ngila Dickson's work, but truth be told i am much better suited to a hobbit's way of dressing than an elf's. Even if i do lose weight (God willing) i know i'll never be as thin and lithe as an elf. I'm a klutz that throws a softball very hard.

But even as i was working on my Hobbit lass costume i was secretly pining after a blueish grey microsuede that i had seen while purchasing my cloak fabric at Mary Jo's fabric in Gastonia, North Carolina. When i first saw and felt it i had no idea what i would use it for but i very much wanted to buy it. Shortly afterwards i realized that i was a very good match to the Chase outfit in some photos at Alley Cat's LotR Costumes. In the movie the film has been modified to make her jacket look darker and purpler, but according to all the photos i've seen my suede is a very good match.

I bought the fabric over a year ago, along with the pattern and notions, but i haven't gotten up the nerve to cut into the suede yet. Truth be told, this wasn't a very practical purchase, and i'm going to be so upset if i botch this project up. I'm sure i do fine, but right now i'm using the Gof duster as a dry run. There are definitely differences, but that project isn't quite as expensive. Stay tuned for updates as i'm soon i'll begin construction on this project soon.

images appear courtesy of Alley Cat's LotR Costumes

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