Monday, September 06, 2010

Christmas is coming, the bag is getting fat...

I went a little crazy at Hobby Lobby today.  I bought a bunch of yarn, effectively committing myself to knitting and crocheting for 2/3-3/4 of my Christmas gifts.  Check out my haul:

$80 worth of yarn in my Mason-Dixon Monteagle Bag, which i knitted in hemp.  A couple of skeins are for myself, to knit more of these bags (i have two so far, and preferred the Sinfonia to the hemp, though they both work up pretty well), and to knit myself a shawl (which is something i have yet to attempt), but the rest...  Let's just say that i have a lot of Christmas knitting ahead of me.

ETA:  Off to add the appropriate projects to my Ravelry queue.

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