Wednesday, March 03, 2010

2009 in review

i did, quite honestly, a lot of knitting this year, and also some crocheting. It seems rather amazing to me that i finished eleven projects and began at least five more. i knitted my first sweater, my first pair of socks, and knit in Europe (most notably the airport in Germany, the hostel in Barcelona, the train to and from Rome, and the ship on the Mediterranean). This blog may not show how busy i was, but Ravelry was one of my most frequently visited sites, and i fully intend to keep knitting... and maybe crocheting, too. (:

My 2009 projects included:

Fox Coffee Beanie Reborn

Liberty Cap 1.0

Fair Ginny

Ohm Mat Bag

Chunky Cabled Cap

Ski Helmet Liner, Jr.

Boing Socks

three Hobo purses

Ski Helmet Liner

and pictures are forthcoming on Dashing Evi and the Ginny Hex Vest.

Since the new year i have already completed two more projects and started two more! So even with reduced time for knitting (this semester is intense!) i have been knitting every spare moment. i even wrote a poem about knitting last week... and am dreaming up new projects all the time.

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